Far too often, leadership is seen as a mysterious and often unachievable skill, only attainable by those who are born with the gene. Common Sense Consulting works with our clients to identify and capitalize on their strengths, while developing other leadership attributes that have been underutilized or underdeveloped.
We understand that no two clients’ needs are the same, and we do not try to fit a predetermined framework to your organization. Rather, we develop and tailor our consulting to your unique situation, working with you, as a team, to accomplish your goals. Our success comes from yours.
Common Sense Consulting values integrity, candor, trust, and respect in our client relationships. We capitalize on our experience to help you and your organization reach your full potential. We are excited to start this journey with you.
Far too often, leadership is seen as a mysterious and often unachievable skill, only attainable by those who are born with the gene. Common Sense Consulting works with our clients to identify and capitalize on their strengths, while developing other leadership attributes that have been underutilized or underdeveloped.
We understand that no two clients’ needs are the same, and we do not try to fit a predetermined framework to your organization. Rather, we develop and tailor our consulting to your unique situation, working with you, as a team, to accomplish your goals. Our success comes from yours.
Common Sense Consulting values integrity, candor, trust, and respect in our client relationships. We capitalize on our experience to help you and your organization reach your full potential. We are excited to start this journey with you . . .
We specialize in both individual and team development through a tailored combination of training, coaching, and facilitated group learning.​
Leadership Principles
Strategic Planning
Change Management
Mission and Vision
Team Building
Difficult Conversations
Expectation Setting
Trust Development
Time Management

Emotional Intelligence
Before you lead others you must be able to lead yourself. By understanding the principles of emotional intelligence, participants will be able to more effectively lead themselves and build a more cohesive team.
Leadership Principles
This module focuses on concepts such as responsibility, empowerment, authority, and accountability. Centered around a five-step leadership model to provide participants with an example of how to lead their teams, the goal is to align leadership in common terminology and vision as the organization moves forward.
Difficult Conversations
Handling different behavior types when counseling, coaching or mentoring requires an understanding of the differences between those three activities and how to engage each in effective communication.
Time Management
Designed to prioritize work based on organizational goals and priorities, the session aims to help participants manage their day-to-day workloads and employee interactions or delegation.
Leadership Styles
One of the keys to becoming a successful leader is the ability to vary your leadership style based on the needs of those you are leading. This training helps the supervisor understand the four different leadership styles and how to determine when to utilize each one.
Individual Coaching
One-on-one coaching to help the supervisor implement and execute the leadership training they have received. This allows the supervisor to develop their specific strengths and work on areas of potential growth. Tackling unique challenges helps the supervisor to build confidence in their own leadership abilities.
This training teaches employees how they can lead from below. Being a better follower actually helps their supervisors to become better leaders and managers. This module may also be applicable to first-level supervisors in developing and improving their relationships with the executive leadership team.
Team Building
We work to develop your team using your own values and mission as a starting point. All our efforts are geared to reinforce our partners' desired end state and build a highly functioning team that leaves the organization stronger from within.

Ken Inglesby
Founder and CEO

Ken Inglesby is a senior executive and retired U.S. Navy Captain with more than 30 years of experience developing others and leading them as members of high-performing and successful teams. He is a former helicopter pilot with proven expertise in leadership development, organizational assessment and transformation, team building, and personnel training. Ken founded Common Sense Consulting, a certified Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, in 2013 to meet the leadership and management needs of organizations in multiple industries. His passion for individual growth is the inspiration behind his work with his clients.
During his 25 year Naval career, Ken held various operational positions, including serving as the Commanding Officer of a 350 member helicopter squadron with assets in excess of $200 million. He was a finalist for the peer-nominated Admiral James Stockdale Inspirational Leadership Award based on his performance as Commanding Officer (the Navy's most prestigious leadership award). During his shore duty assignments, he served as the senior advisor to the Admiral in charge of all Atlantic Fleet Operations, as well as the Aide to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations.
Following his Naval career, Ken served as a senior executive with Norfolk Naval Shipyard. In his role as the Director of Nuclear Engineer Training and Development, he led the recruiting and hiring of more than 500 engineers and oversaw technical training. Additionally, Ken created and facilitated the leadership development program for a department of more than 1,000 personnel.
He has an extensive training background both as a flight instructor and classroom facilitator and has substantial international experience as a NATO training and development specialist.
"I had the good fortune of working with Ken on several occasions, both in a group setting and also one-on-one. He is extremely knowledgable, listens carefully, and conveys his messages clearly. My colleagues and I found his coaching and training invaluable and his efforts had an immediate positive impact on our company. "
~ Senior Principal Scientist for a Major Pharmaceutical Company
"Ken provided assistance to my office to improve my organization's climate and culture. His insight was perfect in helping us to plot a path forward. His expertise as a facilitator was vital as he conducted town hall type meetings with our staff to understand the whys behind our issues and help us to create achievable and relevant action items. He was a tremendous help to my team."
~ Senior Manager, United States Navy
"We had Ken come in to address our advanced Department of Defense engineering certification class. His straight-forward insight on how to lead teams solving complex problems was the highlight of the two-week training course."
~ Senior Course Facilitator
"I was thrilled to recently learn that one of the best leaders and mentors I had the privilege of working alongside and learning from has expanded his services and created CSC. As an executive leader and retired USN CAPT, Ken is an effective educator with a gift to relate to leaders and employees at any organizational level. His work is truly transforming!
~ Executive Director for the Center of Cybersecurity at Regent University


To find out more about how we can help you and your organization be more successful, contact us by completing the following: